The Lipstick Network

A Global Network of Legacy-Minded Women

The Lipstick Network is a global community by women, for women.
We are building a legacy of generational empowerment, investment, support and celebration. The Lipstick Network is a place and space for professional development, personal growth and practical support.


Because women are more than one thing, and deserve a “village” of support, love and empowerment no matter her title, background, country-of-origin or season-of-life.

Come with your fullness, and we will love you, authentically.

Join us.

And stayed tune, because we’re just getting started.
We want you to be a part of the positive change we seek to put into our homes, workplaces, communities and the world.
This is the Legacy we will leave.

Check out The Lipstick Network podcast; connect with us on the ‘socials’; and let’s change the world by connecting and empowering each other!

Thank you for being here, and thank you for every invisible act of generosity and sacrifice that makes life, our families, communities and work places extraordinary.

Can't wait to connect!

Follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our Podcast and YouTube Channel.

 Feel free to contact our Founder & CEO:

or check out her Growth Strategy & Executive Coaching firm here.